Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Smart to Start

Don't be afraid to start.
Just do it.  Take the plunge.
I recently spoke with a young friend who gleefully informed me that she is just five classes away from receiving her bachelor's degree.  "Wow!", I exclaimed for it was just a little over two years that she, armed with an AAS, decided to return to school to complete her undergraduate education.  As she realizes it didn't take as long as she thought it would, she is already looking forward and planing to enroll in an MBA (master's) program.  She did not focus on the time nor the task, she just began.  Many of us tend to do just the opposite, especially when the objective is personal.  We loose our opportunity to begin by letting cold feet hinder us.  Stop.  Just do it.  Don't overthink it.  We make up artificial deadlines as a false reason not to begin, "I'll join the gym after I purchase new work-out clothing" ,  "I'll  stop smoking or begin my new diet when (fill in the blank with your favorite excuse)".  My friend was smart to start, unafraid to take the plunge.  Once you begin, you too, will find that time quickly passes by and before you know it, you will have accomplished a task, completed an objective, or reached a milestone.

It doesn't matter the goal, it's the act of doing that is the most empowering.  You don't have to have all of the tools or full knowledge to get started.  Sometimes, the lesson is learned along the way, and growth comes as you slowly build upon an already established foundation.

Start to Smart

Once you begin, use your time to learn as you go.  Recently, shortly before his 30th birthday, another friend of mine started reflecting upon his life up to that point and was ready to make a few changes.  He announced he was going to stop consuming meat, cold turkey (pun intended).  I cautioned him to gradually start as I was concerned he would not be able to maintain.  Gratefully, this wonderful man did not listen to me,  he was empowered by his knowledge of his personal strength and ability to succeed.  He just did it, eager to learn as he goes.  He took the plunge, became a vegetarian, and started to increase his education levels.  I am tearfully, so very proud of him as he has through discomfort and purging of bodily toxins, been steadfast for one month now.  He has even stopped smoking and has reduced his alcohol intake. He has begun his smart journey, learning how to become an SME.  In the corporate world, an SME is a "Subject Matter Expert".  You do not have to know all or be all.  A college degree prepares you to be just that.  In layman's terms, a degree is a level of measurement of some "thing".  Upon starting any post-secondary educational program, you are asked to declare a major, or a course of study with emphasis on a singular subject.  You then spend your time to increase the level of knowledge on the subject you chose.  You continue to learn and work to become an expert in that subject.   It is no different with personal objectives. At the beginning, you have limited data and resources.  However, as you spend more time, learning and increasing the degree of knowledge of the particular subject, the smarter you become, the more you evolve into an SME.
I'm learning!  Completed Project -
Raw Tabbouleh with sprouted Quinoa,
Raw hummus and Sunflower seed cheese

The personal start to smart process is the same as the collegiate one.  You study, research, practice and cavort with  like associates.  You do not always realize when levels have increased.  It is only when you are quizzed, tested, or challenged by others that you demonstrate how well you have studied.  You will eagerly and confidently answer or defend that which you know and take note to improve or increase that which you do not.  You will triumphantly take pride when you have graduated from one level and will take stock to assess whether you wish to take a break, docking for a moment or to continue your education toward an advanced degree.

It has been just 298 days since I decided to become seriously vegan and only six months since I transitioned to become a live foodist.   With very limited information, I just started.  I'm learning! I am sprouting grains and beans, making cheeses from nuts and seeds, and converting my favorite cooked dishes into tasty raw versions.  During this inaugural, freshman year, I am steadily increasing knowledge levels and am taking on assignments, completing projects, writing papers, and passing exams.  It has been a wonderful experience learning proper nutrition, healthy habits, clean living and holistic values.

What about you?  What will you start today? What is the matter of subject you choose to expert?  Be smart to start in order to start to be smart.  Just do it.  Before you know it, time will quickly pass and you will soon find yourself ready to pursue a master's program.

Yoga:  Yogacharya (male)    Yogini  (female)  Teacher

Yogacharya or Yogini is a title of respect given to a teacher or master practitioner of yoga.  Whether a new beginner or graduated student, the yogic instructor is the adviser, helping to reveal the true value of yoga which is self reception and union of consciousness.

No matter the class size, the Yogic instructor connects
with each student individually.
The yogic slowly, with love, patience, and guidance, takes the student from one level to the next degree, teaching value, purpose, peace.  A true yogic instructor empowers each student individually, teaching union and alignment of mind, body, and breath (soul) mentoring to increase knowledge, strength and practice.  

The Yogacharya or Yogini helps students loose fear of starting to become an expert in the matter of acceptance of self.


Thendo said...

After reading Tracy's blog, felt so good and I decided to share, it made me feel like I am on a good path. I joined gym, 3 weeks ago. I just walked into the gym, asked them about the way they work, and next thing i was paying for my year contract and going shopping for my working out tracksuits. I just did it, and boy do i not regret it. so I have been at gym 4days a week and I do feel good. This week i asked a personal trainer to help me go deeper into this, and my muuscles are so sore, Lol. But I love how sore my body is, ***weird***... Am starting to love my body because am getting in touch with it. yes there has been days were i did not want to go and gym after work but I just drag myself inside, change, and start walking on the treadmill, next thing I will be running. This one hour every four days is so worth it. Am just taking everyday as it comes and enjoying myself in the process.

Yoga Girl said...

Thank you for sharing Thendo! Your story is beautiful and is a testament that you can Just Do IT. It resounds and serves to inspire others!!!

Congratulations and much love to you! Namaste.

DianeFG said...

My life story always starts with: "I'll do ... when ..." there are always conditions there are always excuses! I set myself up to fail before I start. Sigh. Your blog really speaks about living in the moment because that is all you can control. Thanks soooo very much for sharing. You're an enlightening inspiration. D

Yoga Girl said...

Diane,you are already on your way! When you look in the mirror and see your truth, you have already overcome the battle! We let our fear of failure restrain us from true freedom. I am happy that you are now living in your moment, free to "be" and to "do".

Thank you for your kind words.